Thursday, January 15, 2009

Biochemistry and cell metabolism

Yesterday our biotechnology students had first practical in our lab for biochemistry and cell metabolism component. Our practical were divided into 4 groups 5 to 6 students because we do not have enough equipments. Besides that, our lab lecturer for this subject also teaches us principle of biotechnology. So yesterday whole day we only had class with this the only one lecturer total is 6 hours. So bore looking at only 1 lecture for whole day lecture and practical. Anyway but due to the equipment still in setapak haven’t sent to Kampar here, our experiment become so “Cacat”. So many students share the material my group more than 10 people doing so call paper chromatography. It takes a lot of time for waiting the result to come out. Naughty Momo did what in lab? Let you all see! Relax~~
Glove! Drawn by MOMO
Our result in practical?
Middle finger

Cacat Result! Define amino acids?

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