Sunday, January 24, 2010


1506 A/1 is my room how it look like?
After 4 months holiday the first time I came back look at the door wah extra lock on my door with those saki baki after they do some renovation without clean it up. Then I open up my clothes drawer grow insects and fungus on my clothes. So Terrible first time i saw fungus n insects on clothes n some really horrible black T-Shrit growth fungus become White T-Shirt so i throw it and some send to laundry.

After 1 week busy attend my classes my room become like this....
Laptop table with banana skin~

Printer books a lot messy wire~

My study table with pillow on floor~

My bed and clothes

My cactus

My ginseng. Do u ever see ginseng plant? It look like this lo for my final year project i gonna to clon many many ginseng!

I hate this semester time table Monday to friday class start at 8am and sometime 9am and end at 6pm or 7pm. Is very tiring stay at school whole day.
This sem i have 6 subjects, 2 weeks more gonna to have test soon Haiz...phytochemistry test + Molecular cloning and gene expression Quiz + Instrument methods and analysis of biotechnology test. These 3 is my main papers in this semester and test is coming soon before chinese new year.

After chinese new year entrepreunership midterm, is my elective paper.

Now my life is busy with those experiments and study and church activity.

Friday, January 22, 2010


直道今天我在EDK5 Lecture Hall 上课时地上几乎每一成的座位都有一些colourful 的纸。我脑里只有哇谁那么肮脏没有Social Responsibility 的。坐下时,朋友告诉我,Monica I saw your name and phone number in the papers is it your church. 我就捡起一张来看 so surprise。不止这间把了还有人说别间也有人拿来折飞机哦。
I No Comment! If anything happen, who did it take your own responsibility.
I am really very tired.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


就很简单很累了空空的只能Function在emergency condition。
电话阿拜二和拜三对不起我无法接听或reply人在白天,因为我真的很忙Final Year Project in the process at Lab,hope u imagine I am doing experiment holding glassware or any apparatus on both hand and the phone very important to answer it but I still have to finish my work on hands before I reply you. 不是我的心跳停了无法回复,别想太多。
My coordinator in Lab is a Master student he is quiet nice but the mouth like to speak what the F….He always say what the F……Utar Micropipette, what the F…..Utar PH meter…..Worry the F…will contaminate my mind
I have rejected tonight CF Meeting.
Because is time for me to put down something and doing what is more important now and of course I wouldn’t forget my Jesus.
I have received many call n sms regard CF gathering actually I don’t know is it this Saturday start gathering? What time start? Sunday what time service transport how? Is very sorry about that all of such question I can’t answer because 4 months holiday I don’t know what is going on and some I really forget about it. I hold on those questions.
I am really tired. Even no time shit at school and I feel like terrible utar with more than 11 thousands students and really hot Kampar.
I wait for this coming Saturday and Sunday which I can stay at home doing my own things. Monday to Friday pass very fast pack and full of class to attend and all those experiments of my final year project go out early come back late I can’t simply promise to have lunch or dinner with friends at fix time because my life is full of uncertainty.
Now is 12.20am. The time I must sleep is before 12am. Good Night.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


如果两个你会选哪一个?Final Year 学业对我很重要所以我会选健康。为什么呢?因为没有了健康就没有了学业。昨天看了医生稳定多了,因为我都有准时吃三餐和定时吃药足够的休息。所以明天妈妈可以安心让我上飞机了。 医生说要好好照顾我的身体读书尽量不要熬夜,三餐准时吃药也要定时吃,因为我的liver也不是很好要control食物,少吃煎炸还有辣的食物。But 我喜欢KFC, Mc D,A&W 等等。。。算了吧少吃就少吃咯没吃又不会死多吃就很快死。现在的年轻人就知会吃喝玩乐= 4 M,什么4M?4 M= Makam, Minum,Main, 然后就 Mati 咯!医生说生病时看医生的话最好不要吃Antibiotic 对我不好会因为抵抗力已经很差了在吃就更糟了。明天会去KL了大楷一个月后再见吧新年会回来的。就觉得自己真的很浪费钱为什么呢,我钱花哪里?有人说谁娶了我很好养因为我吃得少,错了,常常没把食物吃完就浪费钱,常常看医生浪费钱。我的钱都是花在食物和医药费把。单单白色最大盒的个就要两百五十块哦,妈妈付的。2010/1/14 才过了14天都花了大楷我在kampar两个月的生活费在医药方面。这些药等都要带回kampar的!

4 months holiday gone~is time back to UTAR......

Friday, January 8, 2010

My surprise for mum!


Wednesday, January 6, 2010


我不喜欢看医生。看医生的代价就是痛啊~今天花了两个小时看了一个医生。他帮我检查心脏,原来我的心脏是那么的脆弱那么严重。我是一个容易心情紧张的人,医生看到我是就告诉我不要那么紧张还给我一粒糖吃 ==,我本来没有那么紧张是他越讲我就越紧张。我的心脏就象一块豆腐把,心跳不正常。正常的心会膨胀然后缩小一直重复,我的呢会膨胀当然也会缩小可是当心脏repeat这些时有时候会jam 掉,就是在缩小时jam 掉心脏缩起来不会膨胀了。医生说很危险的不是开玩笑。心脏一停人就会死掉。她问我有时半夜睡觉一般会起来吗?我说会。他还问我你知道为什么吗?我不知道。现在我知道,因为我心脏停了,不能呼吸就会起来然后心脏会恢复正常。医生说着很重要不舒服就要爬起来,要不然就象报纸常常登有人睡觉心脏病发而死。我不希望下一个到我睡觉后就这样上天堂我才二十一岁。医生说我不可以受刺激,惊吓,不可以拿重的东西,这些都对心脏不好。心脏jam 了,或跳不正常时我会晕倒,我是有晕过的人。为什么会晕呢,因为脑缺氧,心脏不好脑会缺氧就会晕咯。医生说晕了也是很危险因为也会随时死掉,最好是每次不管去那里身上一定要带一样东西。什么呢他问我,我以为是心脏病的药大错特错。答案是糖果。但一个人要晕时一定要吃糖果。我才知道糖果那么伟大,可以救有心脏病的人。医生说不要给最近的报纸偏了糖起价是为了人们身体好反糖尿病,糖是很重要的。我一但紧张有时手脚会抖都是心脏问题。要懂得控制情绪最好方法就是吃糖果。华了百多块加五包药下星期还要回去复诊一次。


Sunday, January 3, 2010


今天去了教会的新分行崇拜,SIB Hope church。过后就回家。 我最讨厌星期天因为几乎每个星期天全家人都在就是吵架最高的Demand。我一回到家就听到妈妈唸个不停在说姐和哥的东西,到最后姐就订不损开始骂妈妈很大声,连爸爸在外面都听到就也进来骂。我从小到现在第一次看到爸爸bek tahan 进来骂人吵什么。然后爸和妈也吵了起来,爸叫妈少说两句,妈就骂爸孩子都是给你宠坏的。妈说她不要姐和哥了叫他们搬出去住,在家里想住在天堂那么算。妈说慢点他也搬出去,不是开玩笑,妈不要这个家了。那时我就是坐在椅子上静静的吓倒眼泪差点流出来还是艘起来往肚子里流。姐又骂妈我知道你很想我死等等。。。。妈又说我早把你当透明的。。。。我不知道自己可以做些什么,老样子静静的坐在那里diam diam 的。吵了很久,妈告诉我说快点回KL读书,这家不要也罢了,毕业后不要回来,在KL继续读书做工也好,不要回来慢点我搬出去找你。妈说爸越老脾气越怪,姐和哥很坏,我只指望你了。在家里爸爸很疼我们三个也很宠我们,爸爸很喜欢小孩从来不打也不骂。妈妈在家里有时有理爸爸有时吵架是柴他都傻。妈妈最疼的人是我,是妈供我上大学,哥姐不喜欢读书。就感觉妈把他的一身投资在我身上,我是很听妈妈话的,因为不想然他的唯一希望都没有。不管这个家以后会变怎样如果一家五口闪开妈一定拉着我跟他的。过后,妈叫我陪她逛街,午餐吃过后妈叫我去叫爸爸进来吃如果不要就给狗吃因为妈还在气头上不想和爸爸讲话。真的就变成了狗的福气丰富午餐我通通给狗。姐心情不好就会吃,妈心情不好就逛街那天才买了一条千多块的金链今天又买白金耳环。礼拜天是我最难熬的一天,妈通常白天要我陪她出街,晚上要陪姐因为他们不合不能一起出街。今晚被妈妈听到姐叫我陪她出去就叫我不要出去下午才去的一定很累了,结果我一进房间要告诉姐姐时她说她什么都听到了,无缘无故又被姐骂我干吗那么听妈的话,我还是老样子静静的不出声。姐说妈恨不得我快点走,我死变鬼都不会犯过他,他那么疼你是怕他死后没人帮他烧香。

Friday, January 1, 2010


Today is a first day of the New Year 2010!
A new life is time to start our own new journey, school is going to start soon, need back to school soon, final year, final year project, going to face a lot lab reports soon, although I don’t like to study but have to force myself to do so as my family wish.
Year 2010 the number 1 of my wish is to be healthier don’t always sick, others I hope good luck to my study graduate soon final year must work harder and finally relationship with Lord Jesus Christ because sometime YES I will totally forget I am a Christian.
Why healthy is number one in my heart and mind because when look back 2009 one month don’t know why I can fall sick so many time, when I lost healthy I will lost everything.
Study of course my responsibility now is to study. But sometime is stress to study, what to do! Final year last 2 semesters must study well because after that no more chance already. Appreciate to be a student. Holiday for 3 months my brain is stop working for 3 months and 18 days holiday left is time to exercise my brain or else I will left far behind. GPA for coming semester is X.XXX hahahahaha…..secret but don’t put high or else will die hard later. Always work harder!
Christ…..just receive a call from one sister from my own church at Miri I just know our English service from SIB had been separate from Chinese service. So the sister says coming Sunday service time also change to 8.30am no more 8.00am at new branch church. New year new church differ time differ church at differ place. Yes I always look like hang there. I did always ask myself do I care or sad always go differ church service? Methodist church in Miri, SIB, Jesus is Lord, catholic church……although is hard for me to follow up in such condition sometime even I have my own church at home = didn’t go service. I get the answer I actually don’t care so much about this question because we only have one Jesus Christ no matter which church I go I still serving the only one God. It train me don’t put my heart stick to one church only, just like a fly sometime fly there stop for a while then bypass. Hmmmm…..I am looking on my heart now! hahahahah do you wish to see my heart? No way unless I die and you take my heart see, but you also can’t see anything. I know where my heart sticks to. I wish to be a fly… is so famous in genetics research.

After September 2010 what can I do? I will finish my study soon, as mum wish continue to study master, but I really don’t like to study although my result still boleh tahan! Go travel after graduate? Go find Job working? Maybe fail can’t graduate leh need stay one more year who know? Coi….. Oh Lord Jesus Christ I leave it to You almighty one! Is better don’t think so much now… Let see what should I think now is Oh…..ready my heart back to school.
Happy New Year everyone for those who still alive no matter you are human, plants or animals all the best!