Friday, October 31, 2008

Talking Like the Animals

Just a sharing!
Clement Clam
-Hardly ever speaks, and doesn't seem to listen, either.
-people who live with them are tempted to either pry them open or give up on them.

Marvin Mouse
-squeaky little statements.
-too quiet too much of the time, self-protection is of greatest importance.
-Especially intimidated by tigers.......but then, who isn't?

Betty Beaver
Ever heard the expression "Busy as a Beaver?" That's the picture. Always too busy too talk.

Gracie Goat
-But! But! Always finds an exception for every statement.
-People tire of trying to communicate because they get tired of being "butted."
-Most common in overly analytical thinkers. Tendency to frequently interrupt.

Terrence Tiger

-Lots of growling.
-Listens quietly, but always waiting for the opportunity to strike.
-Makes other people feel it's only a matter of time until they will be eaten.

Paula Puppy
-Happy, energetic, but sometimes can't stop yapping.
-Particularly irritating late at night.
-Those who live with them tempted to say, "Sit! Play Dead!"

Taming The Animals
Jesus gives us a new power, a new nature, and helps us overcome our frustrating tendencies.

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