Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Boy~

The little boy asks about the present yesterday.
I do spend a little bit time on it just now!
At the first I thought maybe just scrolls of birthday wish written in the paper.
Until u told me last night look at the big A4 paper clues inside.
Oppsss u want me open all the scrolls and arrange the small piece of scroll.
Thanks you very much first time I received such poem from a guy.
Hope you don’t mind I share here.
Good poem must share share with other.
As a Christian or brother and sister in Christ please do read this poem.
Learn how you relate bible words in someone life.
And how beautiful of the types of colour God create and used by this guy apply in poem to guide me arrange the poem!
Please double check I not sure whether I make mistake in arrangement!

The clues!

The poem!

Again thanks you for the poem!
Friend Forever!

But God is calling you back to the church!
How long you didnt go back to your own church!
Not bad long time not been in church still can write such poem!
God Bless You!
God is knocking outside your door, and calling you "come back"!
The door is always open to you to back to church!

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