My title is callus induction on ginseng. Callus is an undifference cell which later can be use for regeneration, u can generate ginseng root, giseng leaves, ginseng stem and so on from the callus cells by induce with different type plant hormone.
well, i chose the leave of the ginseng for my project, in oder to avoid contaimination and death of the plant cells, the leave is cut into 0.5cmx0.5cm and put it on MS medium.
After one week if the plant survive then can be transfer to different hormone treatment for callus induction and the regenerate.
But now my leave on MS medium already start regenerate where the ginseng roots come out only from the vein of the mid leave. One leave have 2 sides, so it can generate 2 ginseng roots on 0.5cmx0.5cm leave.
5 explants in 1 plate 3 explants grow roots
ginseng ah~u come out too fast d can you disappear 1st????Big head in writting thesis later~
Ginseng seeds.... is very hard to grow ginseng from a seed tiny as sand. more than 1 months now only start want grow~ i have many ginseng seeds stock hehehee who one? limitted~
See the guy that one hand put in pocket one! He is my FYP supervisor DR. Tee this sem teach us molecular cloning and gene expression. Accidently took his photo today because while doing fyp lab fire drill demo distrub our process in lab~
all students force to walk slowly to the small field which cant fix so many students!
so hot at the end all students run aways left around 50 ppl or less then that all going back home~i going back my lab do experiment for continuous 4 hours in laminar air flow untill my eyes so tired.
Hope my fyp go smoothly so that at can back hometown during sem break i dont want stay at kampar~HoT n HoT n HoT